My photo
This is life at Knotty Creek Farm.

New Addition to the Farm

New Addition to the Farm
Mom & foal

Farm Life of Yesteryear

Farm Life of Yesteryear
Christine's Grandpa Schnedler's Plow

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Get Ready for Spring

Time to rid the garage of all the trash accumulated during winter. Start the upkeep of the fences, pens, and coops. Get the mowers and other machinery ready to work. The most important task is prepping the garden.

We are planning a large garden this year. We are still eating veggies from last year’s garden. I think we’ll do more beans than Tomatoes, unless we get a dehydrator. Perhaps I can build a solar dehydrator. Note to self- surf web for plans.

I am going to build a breeding pen for my chickens this week. I am going to incubate a couple dozen. Keeping the girls from opening the lid on the incubator will be the hardest part.

Our farm is turning into a commune. I have mixed feelings about that. Seems like too many decision makers in the mix. Everyone has their own way of doing things and there all different. We’ll see how this year plays out.

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