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This is life at Knotty Creek Farm.

New Addition to the Farm

New Addition to the Farm
Mom & foal

Farm Life of Yesteryear

Farm Life of Yesteryear
Christine's Grandpa Schnedler's Plow

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bringing you up to date

All is well in the "Commune".

Well we have a bigger family unit. Mat and Julie are staying with us for a while. Their home got flooded. That has to be heartbreaking. The waters are still up to and in the house. They are in limbo about what the government is going to do. We all know how the government is. SLOW.

The animals are getting along pretty well. My rooster is a bully. He keeps trying to rein supreme over the other rooster. The cats are getting use to seeing each other. They still maintain a distance from one another. The dogs they run, eat, sleep, and the other stuff dogs do. They get along well.

Christine and I are surrounded by meat-eaters. It hasn't been a problem though. Everyone respects our veggie lifestyle.

Some of the roads have washed out. Some are still under water. The majority of the cleanup hasn't even started yet. The stench from the stagnate water is getting ripe.

We have had rain for the pass 3 nights. Each accompanied with thunder, lightening, and winds. Just what we DON'T need.

I'll post later. Carry on.

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