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This is life at Knotty Creek Farm.

New Addition to the Farm

New Addition to the Farm
Mom & foal

Farm Life of Yesteryear

Farm Life of Yesteryear
Christine's Grandpa Schnedler's Plow

Friday, June 13, 2008

What a night!

After work Thursday, Christine and I went out to my bro-in-law's house. We pretty much got every thing out of the house, including the AC unit outside. Hope he isn't pissed about that (I didn't do it). We (Christine and I) somehow wound up with Rosco (Beagle), 5 chickens (1 roo and 4 hens), and 5 cats (2 adults and 3 kittens). Ummm, I wonder how that happened. It's all good.

The river isn't supposed to crest now they say until Wednesday. It is supposed to get 23.6 - 24 feet. A couple of levees have broke north of here. In Wapallo and around Oakville.

We got quite a bit of rain and wind last night. Nice lightening show. The tin roof held on the shelter house/barn across the pond. I am going to try to put the ridge cap on this weekend. We have been lucky so far.

This flood is like preparing for a hurricane. You know it's coming but you don't know exactly when or how bad it will be. I guess we hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

I'll keep you posted. Burlington Steamboat Days has cancelled it's activities. I think it is the first time it has happened. The Old train depot is surrounded by water (yes I will post a photo).

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